The Internet home of Chris Plastering & Spray Foam Insulation
Hometown Service ... Professional Results 
Pelham, NH
(603) 635-1090
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Servicing All of New England
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 Tax Credit Information

Installing insulation in your home qualifies you for a 30% tax credit, up to $1,500! That's a tax credit, not a tax deduction - in other words, up to a full $1,500 deducted from your tax bill!  

 Our Services



     What we offer our customers: 

Hometown service with professional results. This means that from the first phone call to the last broom sweep you will work directly with Chris, licensed owner operator. 

Chris Plastering and Spray Foam Insulation offers a variety of insulations:

Spray Foam 

High Density Cellulose

High Density Fiberglass


We offer all types of Plastering.

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The Difference is Clear

Spray Foam Insulation is the most technologically advanced insulation available today

Spray Foam insulation is the idea method of insulating. Spray foam seals the building envelope to create an optimal energy-efficient environment that restricts moisture transmission, and promotes better indoor air quality.  



Sealing and insulating is a cost effective way to improve efficiency and comfort in your home. 

Weatherizing is easy. Most spray foam insulation installation is completed in one day. With some simple, easily installed measures, your heating and cooling systems will be more effective. You will reduce energy consumption and save money. Plus you will be doing your part to help the environment.


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